外语教学法体系的研究是外语界长期以来研究的重要内容。目前 ,对各种外语教学法体系的认识存在较大的分歧。本文认为综合实践法是当前最佳的教学法体系。但其它教学法也都有特定的适用场合 ,各有其特定的优点 ,不应该完全否定某种教学法体系 ,应该取其所长 。
Over a long period of time, the study on the system of foreign language teaching methods is the main research content in this field, especially, major differences exist in various teaching systems of foreign language.This paper presents the viewpoint that the teaching approach to comprehensive practice is an optimizing teaching system at present. However, it is necessary to state that other teaching methods, produced and spread in a particular period of time, have their own situations and their own good points. We shouldn't adopt an attitude of negating everything. On the contrary, we must learn from other's strong points to serve us.
Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University