

Study on Application of FPGA in One-dimensional Laser Displacement Measurement System
摘要 针对目前结构健康监测中对一维位移测量系统的要求 ,讨论了利用 FPGA器件实现一维激光位移测量系统硬件处理核心电路 ,将传感器驱动、光斑中心位置计算及计算机接口集成到一个芯片中 ,实现了测量速度的提高和系统的小型化 。 According to the requirement of one dimensional displacement measurement system in structure health monitoring presently, this paper discusses the realization of core hardware circuit in one dimensional laser measurement system. In this system, FPGA chip is used to drive the sensor, compute the center location of the facula, and then the circuit of the interface with the computer was also finished with FPGA chip, through such design, the measurement system promotes its data acquisition speed and minimizes its volume, and satisfies the requirement for dynamic measurement in the field.
出处 《重庆邮电学院学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第B06期59-61,80,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Sciences Edition)
关键词 现场可编程门阵列 位移测量 激光 FPGA displacement measurement laser
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