给冷战后日本政治保守主义的新趋势以科学定位 ,乃准确把握日本当代政治的关键。近年来作为日本政治右倾化代表的“石原现象”大有愈演愈烈之势 ,引起了日本内外的广泛关注。冷战后日本国民意识的整体保守化方为“石原现象”的本质。时下新保守主义和民族主义正逐步发展成为一种日本社会的共识 ,且在石原等广大右翼政治家的努力下 ,正通过国家机器逐步成为日本的正式法律与民族行为。
This article accurately grasps the key to Japanese politics by scientifically fixing the position of Japanese political conservatism. In recent years,Isihara Phenomenon, representing the rightism of Japanese politics, has increasingly been obviuos,attacting wide attention. The article argues that the conservatism of Japanese national consciousness as a whole is just the substance and logic result of the phenomenon. Today, new conservatism and nationalism have step by step developed into a common view of Japanese society. Furthermore,they have become a formal law and national behaviour through efforts from such ritht wing politicians as lsihara.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)