法治信仰是指主体对于法治极度信服和尊重并以之为行为准则。法治不同于法制 ,也不只是依法治国 ,是一种法律的理想体系。实现法治的精神要件在于法治信仰。在当代中国 ,政治、经济、文化的发展要求人们信仰法治。法治信仰的内容既包括主体对法律价值的感受、体认与认同 ,也包括主体的权利意识、理想意识及守法精神。从而强调了法治必须被信仰 ,主体才能奉法而行。
In this paper,the writer introduces a new term'Belief in Rule of Law'and argues that it will play a key role in the Chinese construction of rule of law in three aspects:the connotation of belief in rule of law,the contents of belief in rule of law,and the reasons to take belief in rule of law.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)