确定外源性性激素 (不同剂量雌激素、孕激素和孕激素配伍雌激素 )影响垂体黄体生成素 ( L H)分泌变化的细胞形态学特征。方法 :应用特异性 r L Hβ抗体和 ABC亲和组织化学方法显示垂体 L H细胞 ,结合计算机图像分析系统观察和测定不同剂量雌激素、孕激素和孕激素配伍雌激素对垂体 L H细胞大小、细胞内液泡大小和细胞形状等形态参数的影响。结果 :不同类型性激素使去卵巢后增大的 L H细胞恢复至正常细胞的大小范围 ,但在不同性激素影响下 ,L H细胞内最终的激素水平和相应的细胞形态特征是不同的。低剂量雌激素使 L H细胞内大量贮存的激素处于易释放状态 ,细胞内出现大小不等的液泡。大剂量雌激素抑制 L H的大量贮存 ,细胞内充满分泌颗粒 ,很少液泡结构。孕激素使细胞内激素大量贮存但处于不易释放状态 ,细胞内含有大量分泌颗粒和少量液泡结构。孕激素配伍雌激素抑制细胞内 L H的大量贮存和释放 ,但细胞形状较大剂量雌激素作用组规则 ,细胞内除分泌颗粒外也存在少量液泡。结论 :雌 /孕激素均能逆转去卵巢后 L H的过量分泌 ,并使 L H细胞呈现正常生理变化范围内的不同细胞形态变化。
Objective:To confirm that the morphological features of LH cell after the exogenous sex hormones affects the secretion of pituitary gonadotrophin in the ovariectomized rats. Methods:The pituitary LH cells were identified by ABC affinity histochemistory. The changes of the area and shape of LH cells and the intracellular vacuoles were determined by Medical Image Processing System-I. Results:Low dose of estrogen (0.05 μg of EB) could enlarge LH cell in ovariectomized rats (P<0.01). Various sizes of vacuoles in LH cells indicated that these vacuoles stored abundant hormones were in an easy released state. The decrease of size of LH cells treated with high does of estrogen(0.2 μg of EB)was much more than that treated with low dose of estrogen (P<0.001). A lot of irregular and small angular cells (50.3%) containing abundant secretary granules and few vacuoles indicated that intracellular LH was at a low concentration and cells was in an early storage stage. Progesterone (2 mg of P) also could reverse the increase of LH cellular area (P<0.01), and most of the cells were circle and oval shape and almost equal size. Abundant secretary granules and few vacuoles appeared in the cells indicated large quantity of LH storage but which was not at an easy released stage. After being treated with estrogen combined with progesterone, the LH cells were markedly reduced(P<0.001).Most of the cells were angular cells and of equal size but some of them were circle-shaped. In the cytoplasm there were mainly secretary granules. After being treated with estrogen combined with progesterone the storage of hormone in the cells was much more than that treated with high dose of estrogen, but lower than those treated with progesterone. Conclusion:Different kinds of hormone could reverse the LH over secretion in ovariectomized rats and make the LH appeared morphological change under various hormones levels in the normal physiological range.
Reproduction and Contraception
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