对改性分子筛催化液相合成 MTBE反应动力学进行研究 ,考虑了甲醇和混合 C4 溶液的非理想性和吸附过程对反应的影响 ,建立了本征动力学方程 ,采用 UNIFAC官能团法求取了各组分的活度系数 ,用数值积分法对动力学实验数据进行了拟合 ,得到反应速率常数 k=7.0 6 8× 10 6× exp(- 495 99/ RT) ,并将实验值与动力学方程的计算结果相比较 ,统计检验结果表明 :在考虑组分之间作用和吸附对催化反应结果的影响后 ,所建立的动力学方程能很好地描述液相分子筛催化醚化反应过程。
Intrinsic kinetics of the liquid phase synthesis of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) from methanol and isobutylene over a modified-β zeolite catalyst was studied experimentally in a fixed-bed reactor. A model is based on the considrations: the non-ideality of the liquid phase and the adsorption of all species of reactant and products having impact on the reaction of synthesis of MTBE. A intrinsic kinetic equation was then derived under the conditions free of internal and external diffusion influence. Activity coefficients of species (γj) were determined by the UNIFAC method. The parameters involved in the kinetic equation were determined to be k=7.068×106×exp(-49599/RT) by a numerical integral method. Statistical analysis showed that the model fit the experimental data well.
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology