将卵磷脂涂敷的硅胶作为生物膜固定相 ,并以此研究了药物与生物膜的相互作用。实验发现 ,卵磷脂涂敷的硅胶固定相的适宜使用温度为 2 0℃~ 30℃ ,而且卵磷脂中合适的胆固醇含量会使制备的生物膜固定相的稳定性有所增加。对药物在这种生物膜色谱固定相上的保留行为的研究表明 ,胆固醇含量、缓冲试剂组成、流动相中盐浓度及pH值等都会影响色谱柱对药物的选择性。卵磷脂涂敷生物膜色谱固定相的制备方法简便 ,通过固定相及流动相的改变可以很方便地模拟人体的生理环境 ,因而可以用于研究药物在体内的吸收和分布状况以及药物的初步筛选。
The method of reverse phase evaporation is used to coat phosphatidylcholine(PC) directly on the surface of silica, which is used as biomembrane chromatographic solid phase to study the interactions between drugs and biomembrane It was observed that the solid phase coated phosphatidylcholine had a good stability at 20 ℃ 30 ℃, and the stability would be improved by the presence of appropriate amount of cholesterol in phosphatidylcholine The content of cholesterol in phosphatidylcholine, the nature of buffer, the concentration of salt in buffer and the pH of mobile phase could all affect chromatographic retention of drugs on the prepared biomembrane column Six compounds, polyethylene glycol, mannitol, salicylic acid, warfarin, hydrocortisone, and cortisone have been tested. The biomembrane chromatographic stationary phase coated PC with silica as matrices can be simply prepared and it is possible to simulate the human's physiological environment by the biomembrane chromatographic system, so it is a useful method to study drug absorption and distribution in human body
Chinese Journal of Chromatography