软件产品的特殊性和软件市场的特点 ,决定了软件产品在营销策略上有其自身的特殊性 .针对软件产品特征及营销现状 ,运用经济学原理 ,从软件产品的 4Ps营销组合策略———产品、定价、渠道、促销策略四个方面进行分析 ,给出了软件产品的营销策略 ,并指出软件产品在营销时应注意的问题 .
The characteristics of software products and its market determine the specialization of software marketing. Due to the problems,the paper analyses software marketing strategies from the 4P's perspective: product, price, place and promotion,and proposes the marketing strategies of software products by using the economics theory,then puts foward problems of soffware products marketing.
Journal of Zhengzhou Textile Institute