分析了FDM工艺的精度影响因素 ,介绍了此方面的研究进展状况。为进行FDM工艺参数的优化研究 ,有必要合理地确定主要工艺参数 (即正交试验中的考察因子 ) ,设计结构合理且能有效地评估FDM工艺精度的标准测试件及正确设计试验方案 ,以达到通过参数的优化设置而大幅度改善成形件质量的目的。最后指出了正交试验的注意事项。
This paper first analyses the influence factors on accuracy of FDM and represents recent research & improvement in it. In order to carry out the optimal investigation of FDM technology parameters, it's necessary to rationally determine the main process parameters (i.e. as the checked factors in Taguchi experiment) and design reasonably constructed benchmark which can be used to effectively evaluate the accuracy of FDM and correctly design the Taguchi experiment programme. With such, the goal of apparently improving the prototype quality by the optimal setup of FDM process parameters will be expected to attain. Finally, the points for attention during Taguchi experiment have been given.
Electromachining & Mould
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9935 110 )