采用参数化建模技术和三维实体造型技术设计的CAD系统 ,该系统采用面向对象方法进行进给伺服系统的参数计算、三维实体图形库的建立 ,系统具有使用方便、自动化程度高、可扩充的特点 ,可大幅度地提高设计效率 ,降低设计、生产成本 ,提高产品质量。
This paper adopts parametric feature model technology and 3D solid modeling technology. Using object-oriented technique, the system can process parameter calculation of servo system and has established a 3D solid graph library, which makes it more convenient,high automation degree and high expansibility. Simultaneously, the system can improve design efficiency and production quality and reduce the cost in design and production.
Jiangsu Machine Building & Automation