用一种新的液相掺杂技术制备Y2 O3 掺杂的ZrO2 纳米粉体 .在水 -乙醇溶剂中 ,干燥由硝酸铝、硝酸钇和单斜相氧化锆粉体组成的悬浮液 ,然后在 6 0 0℃热分解 ,可以制备出粒度小于 10 0nm的Y2 O3 掺杂单斜相ZrO2 粉体 .这种粉体可以在 0 .1Pa的真空中 ,经 14 5 0℃热压烧结成致密化Y -TZP材料 .此材料的断裂韧性 (KⅠc)为 9.9MPa·m1 /2 ,Vickers硬度 (HV1 0 0N)为 11.72
A novel technique was described for the preparation of Y 2O 3 liquid doped ZrO 2 nano_powders from a suspension of alumin_ ium nitrate, yttrium nitrate and ZrO 2 powder in an alcohol/water mixture. Drying of the suspension and subsequent calcination of the powders at 600 ℃ resulted in Y 2O 3 liquid doped monoclinic ZrO 2 nano_powders with a grain size below 100 nm. The as fabricated powders were hot pressed sintered in vacuum at 1 450 ℃ into a dense Y-TZP material with an excellent fracture toughness of 9.9 MPa·m 1/2 and a Vickers hardness (HV 100N ) of 11.720 GPa. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the Y 2O 3 liquid doped powder based TZP were compared with those of Y-TZP obtained from commercially available powder materials.
Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society
中国 -比利时政府文化交流项目奖学金资助
欧盟委员会资助项目 (BRPR -CT97-0 432 ) .