石油及其馏分的物性数据是石油炼制工艺设计的基础数据 ,以往常常采用手工计算或查阅有关图表获得。在对石油及其馏分的物性数据及图表处理的基础上 ,应用VisualBasic 5 0开发了石油炼制工艺设计物性数据查询软件。实例分析表明 。
The property data of crude oil and its fraction is the basic data in design of petroleum refining technology. In the past these data were obtained by hand calculation or consulting tables and charts. Based on the treatment of these property data and charts or tables, a consult system was developed applying Visual Basic 5 0. The example shows that to obtain property data is simple and direct using this system.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Petrochemical Technology