讨论了一种基于Hartmann Shack (H S)传感器的扩展信标相关波前探测方法。通过在传统H S探测光路的物平面上加入视场光阑消除了子孔径像斑的重叠问题 ,并利用一种快速相关算法计算各像斑的相对位移 ,进而得到各子孔径波前的相对斜率。光学实验研究证实了该相关波前探测方法能够较精确地测算出波前像差 ,从而使目前使用最多的H
An extended beacon wavefront detection method based on H S sensor is discussed In this method, the optical structure of a traditional H S sensor is modified by adding a field diaphragm to eliminate the problem of overlap among different sub aperture images on detection plan, and it measures the wavefront slope difference between two sub apertures with a fast correlation algorithm, in which a 2D correlation is reduced to 1D one and SSDA is adopted Optical experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of this method and thus shown that when modified, H S sensors can be used to detect wavefront produced by extended beacons as well
Optical Technique
国家 8 63计划资助项目 ( 30 8 1 5 4)