介绍了燃气红外辐射技术在陶瓷生产干燥工艺中的应用。提出了利用红外辐射强化干燥时 ,必须考虑辐射器与被加热制品的间距及辐射器的合理布置问题 ;可将辐射与热风对流结合使用 ,以最大限度地提高干燥速度 ,同时保证制品不发生变形、开裂。
This paper introduces the application of gas-infrar ed technology in the drying process of ceramic manufacture. After analyzing phys ical mechanism of dehydration, the distance between gas radiator and ceramic pro duct should be taken into account. The gas radiator should be arranged reasonabl y as well. Gas radiators must be used together with hot air flow to get maximum drying speed while keeping ceramic product from changing shape or cracking.
Gas & Heat