介绍了一种以燃气作为干燥能源的污泥干化中试成套设备 ,对炉窑中使用的红外线辐射器数量、进泥含水率以及排放量等影响干化效果的主要因素进行了分析。该套设备干化含水量为 82 .5 %的污泥 ,其成本为 910元 /t ,生成干泥成本约为 4 0 0 0元 /t。
A complete set of pilot sludge drying device with co al gas as energy source was developed. The core part of the device is an infrare d dryer kiln which uses 32 gas-fired radiators as infrared radiant source. Some factors, such as the number of gas-fired radiators and their arrangement , the water content of sludge , the amount of waste gas drawn from the kiln, which ef fects mainly on sludge drying are discussed. The cost of drying process is 910 yuan/t for wet sludge (82.5 %water content) and less 4000 yuan/t for dried sludg e.
Gas & Heat