
红蕉花部维管束系统的解剖学研究 被引量:4

Studies on vascular system anatomy of the flower of Musa coccinea Andr.
摘要 红蕉花单性、同株 ,雄花与雌花花梗部的维管束均可分为外环维管束、中环维管束及中央维管束区。雌花外环维管束逐渐外移 ,并分支、变小、数目增多 ,至子房室区中部时几乎贴近表皮 ;中环维管束与外环维管束形态基本相似、稍大 ,至延长部中上部时与外环维管束合成一轮 ,最后进入花被片 ,成为花被维管束系统 ;中央维管束区在花梗部时排列为六组 ,组间有一些小的维管束分布。在室下区 ,近轴面隔膜维管束组消失 ,至子房室区基部时 (室下区 )其它五组逐渐聚集成明显五束 ;而组间的小维管束向中央聚拢 ,于子房室区基部时排列成环形 ,接着进入子房室中轴成为胎座维管束 ,随后束形变小 ,且随子房室的变小而外移 ,经延长部最后进入花柱 ,与心皮背束内方的三枚分支一起成为花柱维管束系统。三束心皮背束延伸至延长部时均分裂为内、外两支 ,三枚外方的分支进入三枚外轮雄蕊。两束远轴面隔膜束进入两枚内轮雄蕊。雄花与雌花的维管束系统基本相似 ,差异主要在雄花无子房室区及中轴的胎座维管束消失。 The vascular bundles of unisexual flower including the male and the female in Musa coccinea Ander. can be divided into three parts as the outer ring(OR), the middle ring(MR)and the central area(CA)in pedicel. In the female flower, the vascular bundles of OR gradually moved towards the outside, simultaneously, branched became small in size and increased in number. Upwards, these bundles almost pressed close to the epidermis in the middle of the ovary. Those of MR were similar to the bundles of OR in morphology, but appeared larger in size, finally, moved outward and merged with the bundles of OR to become a ring extending into the perianth. The bundles of CA merged themselves into six groups in pedicel. Some small bundles scattering between the groups. At the base of(sublocular region)the ovary, the five groups but adaxial one disappeared relevantly became five bundles. The small bundles between the groups moved to the center, and then merged themselves into 6-8 strands which were arranged in circles, entered the central axile, finally, extended into the style and formed part of its bundles. Up to the prolongation, three carpellary dorsal bundles(cdb)divided into two branches respectively, of which the inner one entered the style and the outer one entered the outer whorl of androecium. Two abaxial parietal bundles extended into the inner whorl of androecium; The vascular system of the male flower was the same as that of the female one, the differences between them were that the locule region and the bundles of axle were absent in the male flower.
出处 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期321-325,共5页 Guihaia
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ( 3 9870 0 87) 中国科学院生物分类区系学科发展特别支持项目 中国科学院华南植物所所长基金项目 ( 10 - 98- 10 2 )资助。
关键词 红蕉 维管束系统 解剖学 芭蕉科植物 Musa coccinea flower vascular system anatomy
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