P68核蛋白是一个依赖于ATP的RNA解旋酶 ,同时具有依赖于RNA的ATPase活性 ,它与SV40大T抗原有交叉免疫反应。随细胞周期不同 ,其含量和分布均有较大差异。以前的工作表明P68核蛋白在同一细胞系不同生长阶段的表型不同。它在肿瘤细胞 (HeLa和TC3H10 )与非肿瘤细胞 (NIH3T3和NC3H10 )之间表型亦有明显差异。因此 ,在细胞中过量表达P68核蛋白 ,可能会影响到细胞的生长特性。报道了将重组人P68表达质粒DNA分别传染NIH3T3及NC3H10 细胞 ,使P68核蛋白在细胞中过量表达 ,引起细胞恶性转化 :( 1 )转染细胞的形态从纤维状趋于梭形 ;( 2 )在单层细胞中形成微球细胞转化灶 ;( 3)转染的细胞在软琼脂上生长形成集落 ;( 4 )将转染细胞注射裸鼠 ,3~ 4个星期后形成肿瘤。
The P68 nuclear protein is an ATP-dependent RNA helicase a nd RNA-dependent ATPase, and has been proved to have functions in the regulati on o f cell growth and division. Different phenotypes of P68 between tumouric cell li nes (HeLa, TC 3H 10) and non-tumouric cell lines (NIH3T3 and NC 3H 10 ) were observed, and we reasoned that overexpression of P68 might profoundly a ffect cellular growth properties. We report here that overexpression human P68 b y transfection of recombinant P68 expression vector in NIH3T3 and NC 3H 10 fibroblasts causes their tumorigenic transformation as determined by four crite ria:(1) the morphology of transfectants from long fibric to spindle shaped; (2) formation of transformed foci on the monolayer of cells; (3) the transfectants a cquired the ability to grow on soft agar forming cell microsphere cube; (4) tumo r formation in nude mice after injection of transfected cells for 3~4 weeks.
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (批准号 :3 93 70 1 61 )