煤矸石作为矿井建设的副产品 ,多年来一直困扰着煤炭生产企业。一方面煤矸石大量堆积成山 ,另一方面 ,由于基本建设的需要 ,企业又要大量购置土方。在诸如场地、道路等大型填方工程中 ,为了有效地节约投资 ,保护土地资源 ,马兰矿至白道头村公路路基工程 ,使用了 16万m3 煤矸石。施工过程中通过质量控制 ,加快了施工进度 ,节约投资近千万元。
Being a by-product of Mine construction, gangue pu zzled coal produce e nterprise in many years. One side, gangue accumulates largely, on the other side , enterprise needs purchase mass earth for the requirements of captial construct ion. In order to save investment effectively and protect land resources, 160 tho usand cubic meter gangue is used in roadbed engineering from Malan Mine to Badao tou village, the investment is saved nearly ten million Yuan.
Shanxi Architecture