屋面工程是建筑工程的重要部分 ,其设计与施工质量的优劣 ,直接影响房屋的使用。当屋面保温层厚度不足时会使屋顶结构层胀缩增大 ,引起顶层墙体出现温度裂缝 ;当屋面找平层施工不良时会导致屋面积水 ,影响与防水层的粘接质量 ;当屋面防水层施工不良时会使屋面过早的出现渗漏而缩短屋面的使用年限。通过施工管理经验对屋面工程质量预控提出一些看法。
Roofworks are one of important partial projects of building projects, good and bad of design and construction quality will affect directly use of hous es. Roof structural layer expands and increases when thickness of roof thermal l ayer is inadequate, it makes temperature cracks appear in top wall. Bad construc tion of roof screed-coat causes roof hydrops, it will affect City heating netwo r k quality between roof and waterproof layer. Bad construction of roof waterproof layer makes roof appear untimelly leakage, it will shorten lifetime of roof. Th rough some experience of construction and management, the writer puts forward ow n opinions to quality precontrol of roofworks.
Shanxi Architecture