应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)方法,研究人类恶性肿瘤细胞放射敏感性与照射后染色体易位 畸变关系及其临床应用的可行性.采用3个放射敏感性不同的人类恶性肿瘤细胞株:鼻咽鳞癌 (CNE)、肺腺癌(SPC-A1)和乳腺腺癌(MCF-7).用常规集落形成方法,测定不同照射 剂 量下、不同敏感性肿瘤细胞的存活率.经秋水仙素阻断细胞分裂周期,低渗、固定等常规染色 体制片过程和采用2, 8号染色体涂染探针及FISH方法,测定照射后24 h肿瘤细胞2, 8号染色 体内在的和辐射诱导的易位畸变量.结果发现,未照射的对照细胞内, 2, 8号染色体都存在不 同程度的内在易位畸变.经分别照射2, 4, 6 Gy后24 h,CNE,SPC-A1和MCF-7细胞诱导生 成的残存染色体易位畸变与照射剂量相关性强,能够反映细胞的放射敏感性;此外,所有细 胞株中诱导生成的2, 8号染色体易位畸变与细胞存活率也存在良好相关性,相关系数分 别为 0.97和0.98.该结果同时表明照射诱导易位畸变存在染色体簇性,与染色体大小无关. 由此可见,诱导的残存染色体易位畸变与照射剂量呈线形关系.采用FISH方法计数照射诱导 的残存染色体易位畸变,在预测不同的?
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to investigate the relationship between induced-translocation of chromosome af ter radiation and radiosensitivity of tumor cells and to see whether the r esult can be used to predict the radiosensitivity of human tumor cell lines, and thereby to provide a potential means of assessing cell radiosensitivity. Three human cell lines with different radiosensitivity, i.e. a nasopharyngeal cell lin e (CNE), a lung adenocarcinoma cell line (SPC-A1) and a breast adenocarcinoma ce ll line(MCF-7), were used and assessed for clonogenic cell survival after radia tion with 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 Gy and for radiation-induced aberrations in two chro mosomes(number 2 and 8) 24 h after irradiation with 2, 4and 6 Gy . The number of radiation-induced aberration in chromosome 2 and chromosome 8 remaining 24 h after irradiation could reflect the radiosensitivity of th e cells, and there was a good relationship between induced aberrations in chromo some 2 and chromosome 8 and cell survival for all the three cell lines with the related coefficients 0.97 and 0.98 respectively. Thus, the induced-aberration, observed by means of the method ofFISH, can be used to predict the radiosensitivity oftumor cells.
Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science