利用花粉管通道法和浸种及苗期浇灌法 ,将供体大豆 DNA直接导入受体水稻 ,获得两种水稻变异株系 .采用 RAPD技术对供体大豆、受体水稻和两种水稻变异株系的基因组进行了多态性分析 .所用 3 1种 1 0碱基随机引物中有 2 4种扩增出清晰的 DNA条带 .分析比较了 4个样品 DNA扩增条带的相似率 .根据试验结果分析 ,外源大豆 DNA导入受体水稻能引起后代基因组 DNA序列变化 ,扩大水稻的遗传组成 ;作者还分析了由外源大豆
Two groups of rice variant lines increased their protein contents were obtained by introducing exogenous DNA from soybean into rice with soaking seeds, moreover irrigating seedlings, and through the pollen tube pathway after self pollination. Genomes of the donor, the receptor and the two kinds of rice variant lines were analyzed using RAPD assay. 24 polymorphic fingerprints were obtained by using 31 arbitrary primes. Different kinds of amplified bands in RAPD patterns were calculated and analyzed. The results indicated that exogenous soybean DNA introduced into rice could induce variation in the receptor's genome. The cause of variation was analyzed.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
上海市科技发展基金资助项目 (9831130 0 8)