蟋蟀的雌性生殖系统主要由一对卵巢 ,一对输卵管 ,一个生殖腔和一个受精囊组成 .卵巢黄色 ,由约 50根卵巢管组成 .卵巢管属无滋式 ,主要由原卵区和卵黄区组成 .卵子发生的动态是 :一龄期 ,卵巢管仅具一些卵原细胞 ;二~四龄期 ,卵母细胞的体积迅速增大 ,开始逐步沉积卵黄 ;五龄期 ,卵母细胞中卵黄沉积结束 ,胚泡膜破裂 ,其中的细胞核达成熟分裂期 ,成熟的卵子冲破卵管塞进入输卵管 ,残留的卵泡细胞则退化解体 。
The mature female reproductive system is composed of overies,lateral oviducts, genital chamber and spermathca. The panoistic ovariole mainly consists of germarium and vitellarium. The oogenesis of the Scapsipedus micado saussure is as follows: In the first instar,the ovarie only consists of some oogonia. During the second to the fourth instar, the oogonias continue in mitotic and the oocytes increase their volume when vitellogenesis begins. In the fifth instar, the oocytes store in lower egg chambers are fully developed by the end of the vitellogenesis. At last, the mature eggs rush off the plug into the oviducts.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)