目的 介绍前臂伸肌腱损伤合并桡神经深支损伤的诊治临床经验。方法 对54例前臂伸肌腱损伤合并桡神经深支损伤者,利用拇指在中立位是否有伸指功能障碍,提示在前臂伸肌损伤的情况下是否存在桡神经深支的损伤,同时对无望恢复功能的进行功能重建。结果 术中证实诊断正确,术后随访1a,神经、肌腱同时Ⅰ期修复的伸拇、伸指功能恢复佳。结论 拇指在中立位伸指功能障碍,则提示在伸肌损伤的同时存在桡神经损伤的可能性。
Objective To introduce a diagnosis and therapy clinic experience about extensor tendons injury in forearm combined with deep branch of radial nerve injury. Methods 54 patients of extensor tendons injury in forearm combined with deep branch of radial nerve injury. Whether extending fingure function of thumb in neutrality position handicaps or not explains whether the deep branch of radial nerve injury exists or not under the circumstance of extensor tendons injury in forearm. Meanwhile, we undertake function restruction in patients having no possibility to recover function. Result The information in operation prove the diagnose. The function of extending thumb and other fingers recover well when some patients nerve and tendons were restored in time one year after operation. Conclusion The extending thumb function in neutrality position handicaps hints the possibility of deep branch of radial nerve injury when extensor tendons in forearm impaire.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)