

The Synthesis of Measuring Error of Physical Exaperiment
摘要 凡测量都存在误差.在物理实验中主要分为系统误差、随机误差、粗大误差.由于误差分类.就存在着进行合成的问题.又由于在国际、国内引用了不确定度一词取代误差,不确定度就用来评测测量的质量,这样也就存在了不确定度的合成问题. Errors exist in all measuring. The errors in physical experiment are classified as system error, random error and negligence error. The matter of synthesising occurs as the result of the classification. At present, however, error has been replaced by uncertainty degree world wide and uncertainty degree is used to evaluate the measuring quality. In the same way, the matter of uncertainty degree synthesis arises.
出处 《沈阳大学学报》 CAS 1999年第2期91-94,共4页
关键词 不确定度 物理实验 测量误差 误差分类 误差合成 系统误差 随机误差 measuring synthesis error uncertainty degree
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