《汇编语言程序设计》是高等院校计算机专业教学体系中容易被忽视的一门重要专业基础课程。本文结合计算机学科发展 (软件优化、面向对象程序设计OOP等 )强调了汇编语言的重要用途 ,并在研究国内外主要教材及相关文献的基础上 ,有针对性地探讨了课程内容更新、教材建设、编程方法教学、课程教学方法改革等关键问题 ,具体提出了增加部分实用性教学内容等教改方案。
Assemble Language Program Design is one of the most important basic courses prone to be overlooked in the teaching system of university computer science departments. This paper, after introducing the latest development of this very discipline in fields like software optimization, object-oriented program (OOP) design, stresses the significance in application of assemble languages and, on the basis of studies of related teaching materials and documents both at home and abroad, discusses about some of the key issues such as updating course content, teaching material construction, teaching of assemble methods as well as methodology before finally suggesting, as the major argument of the author, adding practical content as a reform measure.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University