城市居民的社会安全网就是在一定社会经济条件下 ,为解决或避免居民因各种原因导致的经济生活困难 ,包括国家、社会组织、家庭及其它社会成员为维持个体基本生活所必需消费的商品和服务的最低费用 ,所提供的社会保障措施与社会支持途径所组成的网络体系。它是架设在贫困边缘上的一道防护网 ,是立足于城市居民最基本生活需求上的包括家庭、社会、国家政府的种种反贫困的途径与措施 ,是由家庭保护。
During the process in which China transmits from planned economy to market economy, especially under the circumstances that the question of unemployment, off-duty phenomenon and low income for on duty workers become rather serious and overspread, how do urban citizens face economic risks that threaten their life and how the government and our society guarantee urban citizens' basic life, becomes big problems that involve citizens' basic rights and social equality and stability. It is a protecting net that pitches up above poverty, a series of anti-poverty measures undertaken by family, society and government to guarantee urban citizens' basic life requirement, and a network system consisted of 3 major aspects: family protection, social support and social security.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)