后殖民理论的全球影响主要包含西方与非西方两方面 ,在西方 ,就是如何真实地去认识非西方世界 ,即如何在知识与权力这一矛盾统一的动态系统中去认识非西方。导演李安的东方主义情结不仅表现在东方题材电影中 ,他所拍摄其它所谓主流文化片《冰风暴》等影片也体现了东方主义。本文倡导不同地域、不同民族的文化之间应打破各自的中心状态 ,最大限度地向异族文化汲取可利用因素 ,扩大不同文化之间的共同性实现跨文化的交流 ,以达到世界范围内的一种文化整合。
The global effect of Post colonialism mainly consists of two aspects of Western Center and Non Western Center. In the West, the focus is on how to recognize a 'real' non western culture, i.e. how to recognize it within the dynamic system of contradiction of intellectuals and authoritarianism. This essay analyses on some of Lee Ang's films such as The Ice Storm which has been considered to present Western main culture but orientalism is also shown. The article also calls on that world wide cultures conformity should be encouraged to accept the difference and improvable essence from different cultures by breaking the self centralism of the national culture.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)