立足现实需要构建新的道德价值系统 ,是社会主义市场经济确立和推进的基础之一。“重构”必须遵循四项原则 :人性化原则 ,理性化原则 ,时代化原则 ,现实化与超越化相结合的原则。新道德价值系统是建立在健康合理的道德理性基础上的道德观念和规范体系。具体包括 :权利观念和尊重个人权利的行为规范 ,平等观念和平等待人的行为规范 ,信用观念和重诺守信的行为规范 ,责任观念和负责任的行为规范 。
Construction of a new system of moral values based on realistic demand is a basis for establishiment and promotion of socialist market economy. The reconstitution must follow four principles: that of humanity, that of ration, that of the age and that of combination of practicality and transcendence. The new system of moral values is a system of moral concept and standard based on healthy and reasonable moral rationality. It includes:concept of right and behaviour standard of respecting individual rights, concept of equality and behaviour standard treating people equally, concept of credit and behaviour tandard of keeping promise, concept of credit and behaviour standard of keeping promise, concept of responsibility and behaviour standard of taking responsibility, concept of benevolence and humanist behaviour standard of not fussing about material gain.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition