城乡一体化是推进我国城市化和实现农业现代化的客观要求。小城镇处于农村之首、城市之尾 ,在城乡一体化发展中有着非常重要的作用。通过建设小城镇 ,可以逐步实现城乡工业一体化、城乡市场一体化、农村人口城市化 ,进而达到城乡经济、科技。
Urban -rural integration is an objective requirement to promote our country's urbanization and to achieve our country's modernization.Small towns link the urban and the rural areas ,they play an impornant role in the development of urban and rueal integration. By means of developing small towns ,we can gradually reach such goles as , the urba- rural integration,both in industry and market,the urbanization of rural population and the coordinated growth of economy ,science and society
Hebei Academic Journal