德治的理念孕育于夏商 ,诞生在西周初年。春秋战国时期传到民间后 ,经过儒家学派的阐释和发展 ,演变成为一种系统的政治理论。汉武帝罢黜百家、独尊儒术 ,传统德治主义重又回到官方哲学的地位上 ,遂成为后世封建政治的指导思想之一。这样一个发展演变过程 ,事实上成为古代社会政治文明进步的标尺之一。德治本是一种治国方法 ,后来拓展到社会职司的本质层次上。以德治国要求统治阶级明德慎罚 ,教化先行 ;要求他们以身作则 ,不懈于治 ;要求他们勤劳民事 ,以民为本 ,然而这些要求都是从主体方面提出来的。被治理对象——广大人民群众在传统德治主义中的主动地位是不存在的。缺乏来自于下层人民群众的参与 ,没有一个有力的法律监督机制做保障 ,这是传统德治主义实践失败的根本原因之所在。
The concept of'Rule of Virtue'was conceived in Xia and Shang Dynasties and was born in the early western zhou Dynasty.After coming among the people in Spring and Autumn Period and after the expounding and developing of Confucian School,it became a systematically political theory.With Han Wu Di's banning the other schools of thought and honoring Confucianism only,the traditional doctrine of'Rule of Virtue'turned into the official philosophy again and then became one of the leading thoughts of the later feudal politics.Such a process of development and evolution,in fact,was one of the 'Surveyor's Rods'of progress of the ancient socially political civilization.At the beginning,'Rule of Virtue'was a method of governing the country.Later,it spread to the essential level of social duties.It required the ruling class to be diligent in the people's affairs and regard them as the basis of the country.However,all these demands were raised from the subjects.As for the ruled objects-the broad masses of the people.The active status didn's exist at all.Lack of the participation of the people from lower class and without a powerful legal control mechanism are the fundamental reasons for the failure of the practice of the traditional dectrine of'Rule of Virtue.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition