六朝的文学观念 ,无论诗赋乐府还是实用型文章都属于“文”,都要讲究与文体要求相符的语言美 ,任日方的骈文即代表着梁代实用型骈体文的最高水平。由于文学观念的差异 ,历代对任日方骈文的评价分歧较多 ,主要集中于用典特点及其有无逸气两方面。明清时期有多家评论 ,但大多为评点式的 ,难免以偏概全。至现代学者刘师培、骆鸿凯 ,才较为全面、深刻和细致地分析和概括了任日方骈文的艺术特色与语言魅力。
Different views on literature, there were divergences of views, especially on allusion and elegance in the article. Most of reviews on Ren Fang's pian wen during Ming and Qing Dynasty were according to the literature view of Liu chao, applied articles belonged to 'Wen' as well as poetry?fu?yuefu song and the literature languages were requested to be in accord with their own styles. Ren Fang's pian wen stands for the highest level of that time .Due to the notes and commentary, which were hard to avoid being extreme. Modern scholars Liu Shipei and Luo Hongkai began to analyze and generalize the artistic features and linguistic charm of Ren Fang's pian wen closely and totally,But most of contemporary researchers don't lay enough emphasis on Ren Fang's pian wen.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition