1917至 1919年间 ,刘师培在北京大学任教 ,于北大度过了他生命中的最后三年。其间他出任中国文学门教授、文科研究所导师和国史编纂处纂辑员 ,做了大量教学与研究工作 ,特别是文学史课程的讲授与《中国中古文学史讲义》的出版 ,奠定了中国文学史学科垂之后世的“典范”。他在北大最为人诟病之事 ,是充任《国故》月刊的总编辑 ,似乎站到了当时蓬勃兴起的新文化运动的对立面 ,实则此举并非有意与新文化相对抗 ,不可简单归结为“倒退复古” ,尚需进一步深入研讨。
During 1917 and 1919,Liu Shi\|pei spent his last three years teaching at Peking University. He was a professor of Chinese literature, a tutor of the Humanities Institute, and an editor in the Office of the Compilation of Chinese History. His teaching of Chinese literature and the publication of his Lectures on the Literary History of the Middle Ancient Times contributed a great deal to the teaching and research in the history of Chinese literature. Unfortunately, his position as the chief editor of the monthly magazine Guo Gu, however, brought him to the opposite side of the upcoming New Culture Movement.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)