从厦门海区潮间带江蓠植物中分离到一株链霉菌 ,其发酵液经体外MTT法和BIA法 (生化诱导法 )测定 ,表明具有很高的抑制肿瘤活性 ,该菌的生物量和抑癌活性与海水基质有关 .对分类学特征的研究显示 ,该菌不同于目前已知的其他放线菌种类 ,将该菌定为公牛链霉菌海洋变种 (Streptomycestauricusvar.marinus) .
The result of study on inhibiting tumor activities and identification of a strain of marine Streptomyces, N350 is reported, which is isolated from a species of sea plants, Gracilaria sp., collected from the Taiwan Strait. Inhibiting tumor activity is studied with MTT assay in vitro and DNA-target activity is studied with BIA spot test. Their effect on the growth of eight cancer cell lines and the ID 50 dilutions for the broth against cancer cells ranges from 1∶2 560 to greater than 1∶20 480. The BIA test shows also the culture displayed inducing activity. The BIA activity of the artificial sea water cultures is 16.4 times higher than tap water. The strain is identified as Streptomyces tauricus var.marinus.
国家"8 63"计划资助项目 ( 819- 0 5 - 0 8)
教育部高等学校博士学科点专项资助项目 ( 980 3 84 0 1)
福建省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 98-Z - 7)