从鄂尔多斯盆地黄土塬区煤层气勘探的实际需要出发 ,通过遥感解译 ,利用裂缝密度统计分析方法 ,对研究区煤层气高渗区带进行了预测 ,并对区内煤层气勘探的有利区带进行了初步评价 。
Based on the practical demands for coal bed gas exploration in the loess highlands of the Ordos Basin, the authors, by interpreting the remote sensing images in the study area and utilizing the Statistics and Analysis of Fracture Density method, have predicted the high permeation belt of the coal bed gas in the study area, and made a preliminary evaluation on the favorable sectors for coal bed gas exploration. The result has provided important references for the coal bed gas in the oil field.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources