在知识爆炸的今天 ,个人全面系统掌握医学基础知识只能是一个幻想 ,新世纪要求有关教育知识结构的变革。继续延用经典医学学科多平层型知识结构进行 2 1世纪医学教育已不适应 ,可满足需求的应是以可持续发展的新知识为核心的核心———壳层型新知识结构。目前似应以细胞知识为核心重组医学教育知识结构体系 ,按应用基础。
Under the today's situation of the rapid expansion of knowledge,it is only a fantasy that a person can know everything of basic knowledge in medicine field.In 21st century,the knowledge structure of medical education should be remodeled.It was believed that in 21st century,medical education field the knowledge structure in a poly-plane form with a lot of classical medicine branches would not be good at all,and a suitable new knowledge structure should be in a core-shell form with the new knowledge which can continuous develop as the kernel.At the moment,the knowledge about cell should be set on the heart of the new knowledge structure in the new century medical education,refined and recombined knowledge of classical branches of medicine should be put into the shells of applied basic or clinic knowledge.
Medicine and Philosophy