本文结合文化分析了委婉语的语用功能。文章认为 ,从产生的途径来看委婉语可以概括为三类 :(1)人名、部族或图腾的名称、那些令人敬畏的神祗和妖魔的名字以及指称一些可怕的自然现象的词语的代名词。 (2 )在长期的文化积淀中基于本能的趋利避害的自我保护心理而形成的对某些事物的避讳的说法。 (3)代替粗俗难听的事物的名称而采用文雅好听的说法。其语用功能有三 :礼貌功能、文雅功能、掩饰功能。并指出委婉语的本质是体现为一种间接言语行为 。
The essay,in the cultural aspect,analyses the pragmatic funcion of euphemisms,which can be generalised into three kinds from their sources.The first is the alternative the names of a person,tribe,totem,gods or ghosts,and some horrifying natural phenomena.The second kind in cludes the avaiding of the names of some things in order to protect the speaker.The third kind consists of those names graceful and good for listening instend of those rude and hard to accept. The pragmatic function of euphemism falls into three types:polite,graceful and hiding functions.
Journal of Zaozhuang Teachers' College