从废名将梁遇春视为“六朝之才”的评价引起 ,探讨了梁遇春文学接受背景中传统文学的内应作用 ,并从梁遇春的小品文观及其散文特色、创作心态等多方面分析他与魏晋六朝文学的牵连 ,认为这位现代文坛极其西化的散文家其实接续着六朝文的流风余韵。
Fei Ming talked about Liang Yuchun as Wei and Jin talent.He discussed and studied Wei and Jin's initiative function on Liang Yuchun's works.And from Liang's essays and prose,he found the characters and mind which connected to the Wei and Jin.He fund besides Liang's influenced by western culture,it is the echo of classical Chinese culture of the Wei and Jin period.
Journal of Yuncheng College