福克纳的《喧嚣与骚动》的主题思想是 :美国旧南方的蓄奴制最终要走向衰亡 ,这是不以人的意志为转移的 ,这一历史进程具有不容逆转的必然性。康普生的家境衰败就是蓄奴制旧南方衰亡的缩影。福克纳小说创作的艺术手法是 :多角度、意识流和象征。
At first, the text introduces the fictional creation of Faulkner, then points out by analysing Sound and Fury's that it is inevitable for the old South of the U.S. to wither away in the end. The declining family circumstances of the Compsons is the symbol of the dying away of the old South tradition. At last, the text explains through some practical examples the artistic styles of Faulkners fiction: multiple points of view, stream of consciousness and symbols.
Journal of Yuncheng College