毛泽东与邓小平在对待青年和青年问题上都有过一些真知灼见 ,其青年观的基本点是一致的 :都非常重视青年的地位和作用 ;提倡大胆启用青年 ;正确概括了青年的个性特点 ;认为青年是需要培养教育的 ;青年应该把坚定的政治方向放在首位。不仅如此 ,邓小平还对毛泽东的青年观有所发展 ,这主要表现在 :实现了青年培养目标由“红”到“全面发展” ,青年成才道路由“学习与生产劳动相结合”到“产学研相结合” ,青年的引导力量由“榜样引导”到“是非利害观引导”
On the issue of how to deal with the youths, Mao and Deng made some good remarks and had much in common, namely: they paid much attention to the position and role of the youths. They encouraged youth cadres; They summarized correctly the charicteristcs of the youths; they held that the youth need educating and cultivating, priority given to firm and correct political orientation. Deng developed Mao's youth outlook in the following three aspects: the aim to cultivate the youth shifted from 'political correctness' to 'all-round development', the road to become talented from 'study combined with productive labour' to 'labour, study and scientific research combined', the guiding force for the youths from 'example' to the view to tell 'the right from the wrong, the good from the bad'.