职称论文是为评职称免强凑合而成的没有学术价值的文章。职称论文或内容陈旧 ,毫无新意 ;或内容平谈 ,没有深度 ;或结构混乱 ,文理不通。职称论文的泛滥 ,使教师的科研水平下降 ,进而影响教学质量 ;使学术刊物的质量和声誉受到影响 ;使职称贬值 。
Thesis for professional titles pieced together for application of professional titles have little value or no new ideas, and are flat and shallow in content, ungrammatical, incoherent and chaotic in structure, and finally ruin the the academic publications' reputation and quality and therefore devalue the professional titles themselves. Over flowing of such thesis will surely lead to the deterioration of teachers' level for scientific research and further affect the quality of teaching.