搞现代化,人是第一要素,有了现代化的人,才有现代化的经济,现代化的政治,现代化的管理。而现代化的人是靠现代化的教育培养造就的,为赶超世界先进水平,发展教育事业,实现教育现代化是成教事业发展的必然。搞好教学工作,提高教育质量,必须要使教学与管理相互配合。兼职教师的管理,已成为开放教育较为突出的问题 ,坚持“管理育人”的观点 ,规范兼职教师的管理,以科学管理理论为指导,运用现代化的管理方法和手段 ,进行科学管理,才能适应现代化成人高等教育日益发展的需要,实现教育目标。
To realize the modernization, people are the first factor. O nly if there are modernized people, there are modernized economy, mode rnized politics and modernized management. The management of part-time teachers has become glaring in open education. In order to realize th e teaching aim the management of part-time teachers should be improved by the lead of scientific management theory and the use of the modern teaching method.
Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning