欧洲 19世纪末象征主义艺术就是艺术史上西方传统艺术向近现代艺术过渡时期的重要分支之一 ,它以其强烈的寓言性、哲理性和与以往不同的视觉经验揭示了西方 19世纪末所特有的悲观主义与快乐主义这两大哲学思潮的社会心理。
Symbolic art in Europe at the end of the 19th century is just one of the important branches during the transition period of Western art history from traditional to modern, in which visual experience is strongly allegorical and philosophical, and quite different from that of old times. It demonstrates the social psychology of two philosophical thoughts, pessimism and optimism, which are characteristic of the West at the end of the 19th century and play an important part in Western art history.
Journal of Chongqing Teachers College