大学毕业生初入社会 ,独步人生 ,应尽快摆脱“惯性作用”的束缚 ,好高骛远 ,急于求成 ,往往适得其反 ;在磨难中认识自我 ,改造自我 ,发展自我 ;摆脱名、权、利的困扰 ,在事业奋斗中体现自我价值。
When college graduates first enter the society as its independent members, they need to free themselves from stereotyped thinking and unrealistically ambitious goals and to become aware that a rush for quick results will lead them just to the opposite. At the same time, they need to understand themselves, remold themselves and develop themselves while challenging all kinds of hardships without being bothered by fame, power and wealth. As a result, they will prove their own value in their struggle for achievements.\;
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)