贝多芬和舒伯特都是作曲大师。贝多芬集古典主义之大成 ,开浪漫主义之先河 ,他是古典乐派音乐与浪漫乐派音乐之间的桥梁 ,他是最伟大的音乐家 ,他是音乐的英雄。舒伯特是近代浪漫乐派的首领之一 ,他的音乐充满了青春的美丽、梦幻、忧郁和悲伤 ;充满了纯粹的理想主义和大自然的庄严。
Both Beethoven and Schubert were great composers. Beethoven inherited the achievements of classicism and ushered in Romanticism. He was the bridge of classical music and romatic music, the greatest musician and hero of music as well. Schubert was one of the chiefs of modern romantic music. His music was full of beauty of youth, dreamland, melancholy, sorrow and pure idealism and the solemn of the nature.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)