陶渊明《归去来辞》在中国文学史上久享盛誉,且 因苏轼等文豪的拟效阐扬,这篇名作的人格范式与文学范式的意义更其光大。在《归去来辞 》的流传史上,海东文人所表现出的崇仰之情甚为浓烈,从高丽中期至李朝之末,赞评之语 与拟效之篇源源不断。从形式上看,韩国汉文学家主要通过三种途径来表达其仰慕效法之情 :一是集《归去来辞》字而成诗;二是以诗体表达读后感;三是依其韵而赓和之。他们取则 陶渊明的文学实践,透显出相应的文化意蕴和一定的审美得失,对于全面了解陶渊明在汉文 化圈文学史上的地位以及中韩文化的结缘,尤具意义。
Tao Yuanming's Returning Home has been held in great esteem in the history of Chinese literature. The ardent imitation and int e rpretation by great writers such as Su Shi further strengthened its function as a shining model for both the author's personality and literary style. It has a gr e at influence upon the history of Korean literature. Many Korean literati express e d their great appreciation for this masterpiece in three ways: (1) composing poe m s using words collected from the Returning Home, (2) composing poetic commen ts on this great work, and (3) composing a similar piece after its rhymes. They thu s conveyed their own cultural purposes and aesthetic taste through borrowing Tao Y uanming's literary experience and creativity. These literary works offer us a sp e cial aspect to understand Tao's influence in literary history within Chinese cul t ural circles and in the history of Sino-Korean cultural exchanges.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)