江泽民作为我党第三代领导集体的核心 ,始终站在事关现代化建设成败和中华民族全面振兴的高度 ,关注和重视对人民群众的理想教育。而且 ,他在领导有中国特色社会主义现代化建设的十几年实践中 ,借鉴国内外的经验教训 ,特别是总结我党改革开放以来理想教育的实践经验 ,从视角、内容、目标、重点、方法等方面 ,建构了完备的理想教育的思想体系。
As the soul of the Party's third generation leader groups, JIANG Ze\|min has been emphasizing the importance of the People's ideal education for the modernization and prosperity of our nation. And in more than ten years' leading practice of Chinese characteristical socialist modernization, by virtue of drawing on the lessons of ideal education in the outer and inside, esp. the practical experiences since the beginning of the Reforming and Opening, he has constituted the theory system of the ideal education, including its prospects. contents, goals, focuses and methods.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science