西部大开发 ,人才是关键。培养造就一支适应新形势新任务要求的少数民族干部队伍 ,是关系全局、具有战略意义的紧迫任务。在对少数民族青年干部培训工作中要把握好五个方面 :教学内容要有较强的针对性和实效性 ;解放思想 ,更新观念 ,树立创新意识 ;加强民族政策与民族团结教育 ;尊重民族风俗习惯 ;组织好参观考察活动。
Talent cultivation is the kernel point for the great development of western regions. A pressing task that is not only relevant to the whole state but also strategically significant is to cultivate a cadre team of ethnic minorities to meet the new needs and targets. We should appropriately deal with five facets with the cultivation of ethnic cadres: teaching substance must be accurately located and have actual effects; liberating some thought and renewing our concepts, and at the same time having a certain creative consciousness; strengthening the education of ethnic policy and national unity; respecting different ethnic customs; appropriately arranging some activities of visit and research.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences