素质教育的成功寄希望于一支有理想、业务精的青年教师队伍。培养青年教师队伍 ,关键在于激发青年教师的敬业、乐业、专业、创业和进取奉献的精神 ,提高青年教师的综合素质。学校要建立符合人才规律的培养机制 ,建立优秀人才脱颖而出的激励机制和市场运行机制 ,逐步建立一支年轻化、高层次、高素质、后劲足的青年学科带头人。
A successful performance of quality education will depend on a team of young teachers with their great ideals and qualified profession. The kernel point of how cultivate a good team of young teachers consists in encouraging these young teachers' spirit of treating their jobs seriously, satisfactorily, creatively and sacrificially. Its target is to promote the young teachers' comprehensive quality. The college should draft up a cultivation system suitable to the rule of talent education, and prepare such an encouraging mechanism with market orientation to display their good performance. As a result, it will gradually form a team of young leaders in some disciplines, who are young in age, high hierarchical in educational background, high qualified in comprehensive quality, strong in working energy, and persistent in the changing period of centuries.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences