国务院于 2 0 0 0年底决定进行完善城镇养老保险的试点 ,试点的主要内容是实行个人账户的实账运营和统筹账户与个人账户的分账管理。这一试点必然带来个人账户基金平衡、财政补贴增大、代际负担不均衡、基金保值增值等问题。为此 ,实行试点后必须采取以下对策 ;加大征缴和管理力度、调整个人账户记费率、调整个人账户发放比例、延长职工退休年龄、发行长期国债、变卖部分国有资产。
China state council has decided in the end of 2000 to make experiments in consummating the system of old-age pension in some urban areas. Its main point is located in conducting real account system for personal account and differing the overall account from the personal one. This kind of experiment will necessarily lead to the problems such as balance for the foundation of personal account, larger financial subsidy, unbalance of expenditure between different generations, and value maintenance or rise for the foundation. Correspondingly, some countermeasures such as follows should be taken as a result of the experiments: strengthening the financial collecting and management, adjusting the rate for charge in the personal account, changing the ratio for distributing the personal accounts, extending the age for the retirement of employees, distributing the long-term state loans, and even selling some state estates.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences