编辑工作集科学美、劳动美、艺术美、创造美、道德美于一身 ,蕴蓄着巨大的审美潜能和美学效应 ,其美学内涵理应得到充分的发掘和研究。编辑审美目标和编辑审美观 ,即把审美作为编辑的一种境界去追求 。
The professional editorship has embodied the beauties of science,labor,arts,creation,and morals.It has a big potential power of esthetic judgment and will bring forth great esthetic effects.Thus we feel necessary to study its esthetic characteristics in depth.An editor's esthetic goal and his esthetic concepts will help to expand the study of editing esthetics in both the theoretical dimension and the conceptual one.In other words,the editor should take the esthetic judgment as an ideal realm to pursue.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences